Flex Of Sweden 12- Week Program.

All you need is 10-15 min per workout.

The effectiveness of the 12-week program lies in the simplicity and intensity of the workouts and the principles of variable resistance training. Many people train too often with too many exercises and too low intensity, which does not lead to optimum results. Most of the movements in the program are compound movements where you work more than one muscle group at a time. Each workout session takes about 10-20 minutes. You can modify the program to fit your individual needs after the first 12 weeks and focus on specific bodyparts or goals.

Key principles to follow:

• You are doing only one set per exercise • Complete each set to failure • Maintain constant tension • Move in a slow and controlled manner • Start with the lightest band and work yourself up • Be consistent and your gains will come

Training split explanation: The first 6 weeks consist of full-body workouts that you do 3 times per week with rest days between. From week 7 you train 4 times per week, alternating Push Days and Pull Days. In every workout, each exercise is done for one set to failure. Aim for 10-15 reps per set, and after you have maximized your reps, try to do as many partial reps (where you don't complete the full range) as possible directly after your scheduled reps.

Warm-up: The warm-up will be the first, slow reps of your first movement of each work day.

Progressive overload: In this program, there are two ways to achieve progressive training. Since we want to keep the intensity high but the volume low, we want to either add more tension or slow down the speed of movement. If you decide to add more tension, choose a band with greater resistance, or stack bands.

During the first 6 weeks follow the 3 day cycle:

1. Full Body Workout: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

From week 6 progress to the 4 day cycle:

1. Push Day: Monday, Thursday

2. Pull Day: Tuesday, Friday

3. Rest Days: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Three Day Split, weeks 1-6

Full Body Workout

Three Full Body workouts per week, with a rest day between. Do one set of each of the following exercises in a slow, deliberate tempo until failure.

Increase tension if you find yourself exceeding the recommended rep range.

Full Body Exercises:

Chest Press, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Overhead Press, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Bentover Rowing, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Biceps Curl, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Handle Squat, 1 set of 10-20 reps

Four Day Split, weeks 6-12

Push Day

After 6 weeks of three day split training, you may start the 4 day split where you do two Push workouts per week and two Pull workouts per week. For example Monday and Thursday Push workout and Tuesday and Friday Pull workout. Wednesday and weekends are rest days.

Do one set of each of the following exercises in a slow, deliberate tempo until failure.

Increase tension if you find yourself exceeding the recommended rep range.

Push Day Exercises, Monday and Thursday:

Chest Press, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Overhead Press, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Triceps Extension, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Handle Squat, 1 set of 10-20 reps

Pull Day

Two Pull workouts per week. Do one set of each of the following exercises in a slow, deliberate tempo until failure.

Increase tension if you find yourself exceeding the recommended rep range.

Pull Day Exercises, Tuesday and Friday:

Romanian Deadlift, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Bent-Over Rows, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Biceps Curl, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Monkey Upright Rows, 1 set of 10-15 reps

Pick Your Band Handles

The Flex Of Sweden Program.